SEO Case Study: Wakeout's Organic Traffic Soars 8-Fold in 5 Months

After making waves on an App Store, Wakeout geared up for the next challenge: gaining visibility on Google.

Monthly Search Traffic
Top 10 Organic Keywords
An abstract illustration showing a smart phone with Google search engine, a smaller image of a woman, and an app displayed on a small image

Project Summary

Due to Wakeout's popularity on App Store, we began with a huge email presence. Our first aim was to keep the audience engaged. We got creative, sharing health tips and work-life balance advice, all while dropping hints about the app.

Boosting brand's presence on search engines was another goal. We aimed to push out content that made existing audience happy, but also ranked high on Google. Both subscribers and Google took notice. View the full SEO case study below.


Wakeout LLC

Wakeout, a US-born, Guatamalan-fueld since 2017, is an app that fights a sedentary lifestyle. Awarded Apple's App of the Year, it stands among trendsetters in the health and productivity space. Using AI reminders and follow-alongs, Wakeout prompts users to take breaks from work. Therein, promoting more productive and joyful workdays.



New domain lacked Google visibility, with minimal search traffic. The writers only wrote content for email and weren't specializing in SEO. They wanted to excel on both email and search channels using the same content.


Find low-hanging keywords not popular with big health brands. Outrank search competitors that have: lower authority, unpolished content, and low optimization score. Educate writers on SEO. Make simple checklists to align the SEO writing process.


Enhanced Google visibility and increased traffic on the new domain. 20+ articles in top 10 results on Google. Writers adapted to excellence in both channels and maintained regular bi-weekly publishing schedule.

Domain Authority


Monthly Traffic


keywords in top 3



Growth chart with upward trend in green, symbolizing increase in organic traffic thanks to SEO content writing.

Monthly Organic Growth

Many brands miss the search potential, busy with success elsewhere. So, we got creative, trying to think of the ways to bridge engagement and ranking.

We warmed up our email list, shared the perks, entertained... But, most importantly, found an ideal format that fits all together and climbs the SEO ladder too. The spike in organic traffic and distinct, orginal Wakeout tone spoke volumes.

12,5% Of All Content In Top 10

With Wakeout, time was tight for revisiting old content, but we scrutinized every upcoming piece to boost our ranking odds. We kicked off by checking out the competition, aiming to fill the Google gaps others missed.

The results were impressive, even though SEO wasn't our sole content goal. Our approach delivered not just visibility but also valuable engagement.

Pie chart with various shades of green, showing keyword distribution across top 100 positions on search engine

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Pedro Wunderlich

I recommend Luciano as a top-tier writer and SEO expert. Over the course of our collaboration, Luciano brought a rare blend of creativity, intellect, and meticulousness to our content marketing. He demonstrated a deep understanding of SEO, effortlessly balancing keyword optimization with compelling storytelling.

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